Wednesday, December 22, 2010
From Now on "Like" us on Facebook!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Don't forget about our adoption event this Saturday from 10am to 2pm. We hope to see you there.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
One dog in particular I noticed was a lab. His body posture was stiff, alert and he was “bumping” his “playmate” with his chest and shadowing him. The other dog, a mix, was crouching low to the ground with his ears back and trying to get away. Being a trainer myself and someone who is familiar with the dynamics of group play, I had to step in and rescue the poor little cowering dog. The lab’s dad looked at me and said “He’s ok, he’s just playing, He always plays like that”.
This is what makes me nervous. People sometimes think their dog’s behavior is play when it is actually something else that could lead to trouble. His dog was not “just playing”. He was clearly exhibiting bullying behavior. It’s the kind of behavior that we don’t allow in our Doggy Day Camp.
I am by no means saying don’t take your dog to a park. It can be a wonderful thing and a great time for both you and your dog to make new friends. But, I am asking that you be aware of what is appropriate play and what is not. This is for the safety of all involved. The Association of Pet Dog Trainers has some wonderful information on it’s website for dog owners about dog parks – what makes a good park, information on body language, pro and cons, park etiquette, etc. Take some time to read the information there.
Finally, if you feel the environment there is not a good fit for you or your dog then leave. It’s better for your dog to socialize in a group where both you and he feel safe. You’ll both get so much more out of the experience.
Our Doggy Day Camp is a wonderful option for group socialization and play for your dog. All dogs are screened prior to attending, up to date on their vaccines and supervised. And don’t forget the parties we have!! Check out some of the older posts for the pictures we’ve taken at past parties.
For more information or to set up a screening interview, call us today at 781.245.1237.
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
It means vacation season is almost over and the kids will be going back to school. Don't forget about your furry friend during this time. After a summer full much company and fun with the family it may be a bit of a shock when every one is back to work and school and he's left on his own. Our Doggy Day Camp is a great way for him to mingle with other dogs and play. He'll come home at the end of the day tired.... a tired dog is a good dog. If you've been to our Day Camp but haven't been in a while, we'd love to see you again. If you've never been and would like to set up an interview, please call us today at 781.245.1237.
Training classes are on going. We'll soon be starting our "Out and About" class. This takes the practical lessons you and your dog have learned in class and takes it out into the real world.
Why not start the school year off with a clean dog? After all that summer swimming a good bath in our grooming salon might be in order. Try a remoisture treatment too to get rid of that dry skin. Shedding season is just around the corner. Don't forget our schedicure - takes out 80% percent of the undercoat.
We hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!!!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
We are still collecting hair and sending it to Matter of Trust . Check out their website. You can find videos demonstrating how the hair is used to pick up the oil. It is truly an amazing thing to see. A Best Friends Pet also made it onto their photo page!!! That cute Boston Terrier in the box owns our Manager in the Avon, CT store.
Please call us today at 781.245.1237 to schedule an appointment. It'll make both you and your pet feel good!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Best Friends Pet Care is helping with the oil spill in the Gulf. How? By donating dog hair from our grooming salons. We are collecting clipped hair and all that hair from brushing and shedicures and donating it to Matter of Trust.
Hair naturally repells water and attracts oil - that's why we have to wash our hair. Matter of Trust takes the hair and puts it in recycled nylon to make "booms" which can be used to block the oil from spreading, containing it in a certain area. Water is denser than oil so the oil floats on top of the water. These booms can also be used to help "mop up" oil.
Check out this video by Matter of Trust.
This is the time of year many of our furry friends begin to shed, our Shedicure is great for this, or we give them their "summer cuts". Why not schedule an appointment with our gooming salon today and let your pet make his contribution to this great cause.
Call us today at 781.245.1237.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Photos were taken, of course, and this time we made them into 3x4 magnets for mom and dad!! Dogs also bought Cala Lillies to give their parents and got special treat bags themselves.
Check out the photos as well as the slide show of all the Day Campers posted above. These photos are also posted in our lobby entrance for all to see.
If your dog would like to come and join the fun, just give us a call at 781.245.1237 to set up an interview.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The day started with photographs taken of each guest with Auntie Lindsay (see the slideshow for all the photos taken). I’d like to give her special mention for the fabulous job she did with the decorations. Also, a thank you shout out to Uncle Scott for his help. We couldn’t have done it without them.
After pictures, the guests enjoyed refreshments. The menu included ice cream, smoked chewy treats and a doggy “stogie” (all natural cookie in the shape of a cigar). Then, the fun and games began!!

Harper O. dazzled everyone with her Irish Step. This girl is ready for Dancing with the Stars!!! She had such speed, grace and agility. Her movements were effortless. She insists she’s never had any professional training, but there were some doubters in the audience.
Juno Y. left his competition in the dust when it came to “Fastest Runner to the Pot of Gold”. He is, afterall, a Toy Australian Shepherd and used his inbred ability to his advantage. Jaws dropped and gasps could be heard when he turned on a dime and changed direction. No one was expecting that move! Just look at those piercing blue eyes.
“Most “Charm”ing Personality” went to Buster F. Buster credited his win to his breed. When interviewed he had this to say: “Peepulz don’t no wut all uz puggyz haz bin throo. We haz lotz of sponsibiliteez.” He wouldn’t elaborate but left the impression that Pugs are vital to our survival and thus the perpetual worried look on their faces.
Max M. ended the day with a song and won “Best Rendition of When Irish Eyes Are Smiling”. The range on this boy is amazing, considering his young age. He truly is a prodigy. This is the second year a Beagle has taken this title.
Best Friends Wakefield holds it’s Doggy Day Camp Monday through Friday from 8am-5pm. We are pleased to announce that we now have a session on Saturdays from 9am-2pm. If you’d like your dog to participate in the fun, call us today to set up an interview at 781.245.1237. The more the merrier!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Best Friends is Spotlighted at the NJ Super Pet Expo
Friday, March 5, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
On Friday, February 12th, Best Friends Wakefield Doggy Day Campers attended a Valentine's Day party. Each guest had a "date", thanks to the wonderful matchmaking of our very own Camp Counselor, Lindsay. No one was left without an escort to this party.
Skye and Max were voted unanimously as the "cutest couple", although Max almost found himself in hot water when he brought Valentine's for the TWO ladies in his life, Lola and Skye. Careful maneuvering on the part of the staff kept his secret safe...... he's such the ladies man! Best kisser went to Lola and Henry walked away with Cupid's Helper.
Keepsake photos were taken and Valentine goodie bags given out.
Plans are in the works for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day bash in March and Spring Fling in April. Can you believe Spring is just around the corner??? Check back for updates.
And, with Spring coming that means PUPPIES!!! Don't forget Best Friends hold training classes so the little youngsters can start out on the right paw. Call us today for more information and enrollment.
Is it time to "Spring clean" your best friend??? Schedule him/her for a day at our grooming salon to take care of all that built up winter muck in his/her coat.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Bad breath is not always just "doggy breath". It can be a sign that something is wrong. Are you're pet's gums red at the base of the teeth? Do they have a yellow/brown crust on them? Do the gums bleed easily if you touch them or while he's chewing? Does he have any broken or missing teeth? This needs attention. Pets can get periodontal disease and gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) too. Periodontal disease can not be reversed once it's taken hold. If left undetected and untreated, infections can form and enter the blood stream. Now you're looking at some serious illness and risk to you pet.
February is Pet Dental Month. It's aimed at making owners more aware of the need for dental hygiene in pets. There is some great information on this at the Doctor's Foster and Smith Pet Education website. You can help your companion by regularly brushing his teeth. If you have a pup or a kitten - get started now!! The younger the better. Make it a pleasant experience with lots of treats. Encourage chewing on appropriate chew toys.

Your vet can perform annual cleanings just like your dentist does for you. In the meantime, you can help by brushing his teeth daily and by getting his teeth brushed when he comes into Best Friends for a grooming! Don't dismiss this important element of your pet's care. It's up to us. Call us today to schedule an appointment.