DDC Members


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

THE WALL!!!....

Sometimes putting up walls is a good thing. That's what we're experiencing here at Best Friends in Wakefield this week.

A little over a year ago, we introduced our Doggy Day Camp (DDC) program. We had quite a bit of unused, wasted space adjacent to the lobby and decided to clear it out to make room for the doggies to come and play. I remember those days well. Some days we only had one or two dogs!! Those of you who have been bringing your dogs to DDC since the beginning may well remember this.

Slowly, our campers started to increase in numbers. We had more and more friends coming to play with eachother everyday. The camp days got longer and longer. Soon, I had to have a full time DDC Counselor on staff..... wow... we were now averaging about 10 dogs a day in camp.

It seems like over night the number of campers started to shoot up. The weather started getting colder, the snow started falling and we had to bring DDC indoors. Now we began to notice the noise level in the lobby increase. We're averaging 16 to 18 dogs per day. Not only was it difficult to hear customers on the phone, but they, too could hear from the other end of the phone the happy barks and yelps of dogs playing. Needless to say, 16 dogs playing adjacent to the lobby can leave a pretty funky lingering reminder in the air.

So, we are having a wall constructed to separate the DDC playroom from the lobby!!! I am thrilled about this!! We're putting in a large viewing window, so customers can still see how much fun the dogs are having playing together. This will also serve our trainer, Lauren, well. Training classes can be conducted now without the distractions of people coming and going in the lobby.
Stop by to see to us soon and check it out. If your interested in having your dog come to camp to play and release some of that pent up energy, give us a call today at 781-245-1237 for more information or to schedule and interview.

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